Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the CLEANEST hair EVER

Wash your hair with THIS!

Fuel Efficient Parking ONLY

What? Do you think I'm in the wrong for parking my Hummer in the fuel efficient parking space?  Well guess what, I'm not, because my  Hummer is more fuel efficient than my other vehicle =D
 Calm down it gets 18-20 mpg... its not as bad as you thought hippies.

Play with your friends!

just print out some copies and take along to your favorite punk/rock shows! For yinz not from Pittsburgh, the Beehive is a trendy coffee shop, so just replace that square with whichever trendy artsy hipster coffee shop is in your neighborhood! copyright sarofool 2006.

Mustache ride anyone?

Easier than growing one!


Here's to hoping your child wasn't home on a snow day to see this aired at 11a.m. Mommy what is douching?

Magic Drink (adult or kid versions)

How ever do I do it???
Adult version will require diet chocolate soda, Tom Tucker's mint gingerale, and whipped cream vodka
Kid version: same as above minus vodka

First pour in desired amount of vodka, then same amount of gingerale, then fill the rest up with the chocolate soda....mmmmm tastes like mint chocolate yummyumms

The drink will look like this before it is mixed up. You're now not only parents or alcoholics, your magicians. You're welcome.

A tastey addition to any meal!

Perfect for a snack or, its microwavable!!!

Real Live Plastic Jellyfish!

This one is for all the stoners or toddlers and can be yours for three ten dollar bills! I was a little surprised when my bro-in-law asked me where I could purchase jellyfish...but I was even more surprised when a friend asked me what I fed them...come on now guys...everybody knows plastic doesn't need food to survive!!!
pick one up at